What is Black Hat SEO? | Black Hat SEO Tools and Techniques.

Black Hat SEO

If you are a blogger or web developer then you may be familiar with SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. The SEO techniques are divided into three types: 
  1. White Hat SEO 
  2. Black Hat SEO 
  3. Grey Hat SEO
In this article we will learn what is Black Hat SEO, Black Hat Meaning in simple Language, What are Black Hat SEO techniques and tools, the difference between White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO, Black Hat SEO Examples, and much more.

>> What is SEO?

What is Black Hat SEO and its meaning in simple Language?

Black Hat SEO is a type of Search Engine Optimization, using this technique you can optimize your blog or website. 

This will help you to get your website ranked first in search engine results. This type of SEO method is not preferred by Search Engine and may be detected as an illegal, spam SEO method.

Black Hat SEO
Black Hat SEO


We the ‘mindblowinfo.com’ do not promote or suggest doing Black Hat SEO and any illegal activities that violate the rules and guidelines of Google or any other Search engine. This content is for only informational purposes.

The Black Hat SEO does not follow the rules and regulations of search engines and is practicing illegal methods and tools of SEO that is why it is called Black Hat SEO.

Black Hat SEO is nothing but an over-optimization of White Hat SEO and completely opposite to White Hat SEO according to their methods that are used for SEO.

We often visit websites that rank first in the Google search engine, but the content is inconsistent and confusing. 

Then how these types of websites or blogs are ranked in the top position in Google search results? Which techniques and tricks they have used for SEO? 
Generally, these types of websites or blogs follow the Black Hat Techniques and tools.

So what are the black hat SEO techniques and tools?

We categories these black hat SEO techniques or tools into four types, these are:

  1. Over Optimization
  2. Content Scam
  3. Link Manipulation
  4. Crooked Sites

Let’s get details of the Black Hat SEO technique or tools one-by-one.

Before we go ahead again we request you that please don’t use Black Hat SEO to earn money or in any fraudful activities.

1) Over Optimization

If you want to get your website or blog in the top position then you must optimize your website or blog by using the following SEO Techniques or tools. 

In black hat SEO, SEO experts give priority to Black Hat SEO instead of quality content. In Black Hat SEO, the following techniques or tools are widely used to over-optimize websites or blogs.

i) Keyword Stuffing:

In SEO, keyword is the most important factor; it helps search engines to identify the intention and subject of the website or blog. 

Repeated use of the same word in an article is called keyword stuffing. If you use keyword stuffing a lot in your article then it may be possible to rank in top position of search engine results. 

But sometimes keyword stuffing can hamper your rankings and even get a penalty from search engines. So be sure to be a little careful when stuffing keywords.

ii) Alt tag

To make your blog attractive it is important to use images in your blog. When you insert an image the Alt Text (Alternative text) used for the image is required by the search engine for what image is about. 

Because search engines can’t identify images only by their appearance. So if you use your keyword as Alt tags to your every image that are inserted in your blog then your ranking can be increased by this Black Hat SEO technique.

iii) Hidden tag/tinny text

If you use a lot of keyword stuffing then your article will be boring and readers will search for another article without reading it. 

This will increase your bounce rate. As a result, your ranking will decrease. 

As a solution to this, you can hide some keywords by using CSS hidden property which makes your article look good and only search engines can detect your hidden keywords. By this Black Hat Technique, you can grow your blog’s ranking.

iv) Irrelevant Keywords

Keywords are a very important part of SEO. When you write an article, you use keywords that attract readers and rank top in Google. 

But if the content of your article is not related to those keywords, then your article will be rude and meaningless to the readers. 

Articles like this certainly rank in Google but readers will not find it appropriate. If you want to get to the top of Google search results without considering the readers then this is the way to go. But we do not support such techniques to get in the rankings.

v) Linking Over Optimization

If you insert many links in your top ranking post articles, that is Linking Over Optimization. 

The inserted links must be relevant and limited to your post article, otherwise users may be confused and they will be frustrated and leave your website to search for the content they expect. 

This will increase your bounce rate and can have a detrimental effect on Google rankings. In black hat SEO, content providers use this technique to rank on top in Google search engine. 

Because Google considers that you provide other reference information to users using links. Link Optimization is important and a part of on Page SEO. 

if you don’t know what On Page SEO is? Then read What is an SEO article from this website.

2) Content Scam

Content is the King and Google also wants to provide genuine content to the user. According to Google's algorithm, the quality, quantity and uniqueness of the content is most important. 

Writing unique and excellent articles is a complicated and time consuming thing. So some article writers write articles with the help of automated software or by modifying another article like article spinning. 

Some Following content scamming methods are useful for Black Hat SEO.

i) Copied Content

In black hat SEO, article writer, Blogger or YouTuber they don’t want to do hard work, research and spend time on their article or youtube video. 

They just want to publish articles or videos, no matter who created the content. The copied content means not only just copy and paste but also copy their ideas, things, techniques, etc. 

using this technique, many publishers ranked their post or article or videos even the whole blog or youtube channel too. This is also a Black Hat SEO technique.

ii) Content Automation

Content automation is a subset of content marketing automation that incorporates the systems and processes that help to reduce the need for human interaction in the content lifecycle. 

The aim is to programme, or automate, any repetitive, time-consuming, or costly content operation.

Content automation is basically a mixture of semantic analysis and natural language processing. 

These technologies allow each individual piece of content to be read and structured in an automated way that is standardized (maintains the same standard) and reusable. 

This is also a part of black hat SEO, by this, publishers create contents automatically using this technology.

iii) Article Spinning

An copied article re-written by changing a few words in a text, using synonyms as well as changing the syntax, keeping the content of the article intact by using some tools that are called as article spinning. 

Generally you can copy 30% of content from other content but some publishers copy the whole content and spine them using a content spinning tool. There are a lot of article spinning tools available on the internet. 

You can copy content from top ranked posts and spine them to avoid content policy violation of Google. 

 Keep in mind that, using this technique, there are a few possibilities to rank your post on top position in Google search engine.

iv) Cloaking

Cloaking in SEO is a technique for boosting a website's search engine rankings for particular keywords by serving users content or information that varies from what is provided to search engine crawlers (i.e. spiders or bots).

There are following types of Cloaking.

  • User-Agent Cloaking
  • IP based cloaking
  • JavaScript cloaking
  • HTTP_REFERER cloaking
  • HTTP Accept-language header cloaking

Cloaking is a Black Hat SEO technique used to attract users and increase web traffic and ranking.

Be careful while using this technique, because you may be penalized by Google for this Cloaking technique.

3) Link Manipulation

Despite Google's efforts to punish and prevent link abuse, your rivals will continue to find new ways to manipulate your links. 

One of the most recently discovered methods will result in the automatic removal of up to 39% of the backlinks you've created. 

It's critical to understand how to safeguard the links you've worked so hard to create, particularly if your competitors are focusing on the high-authority links.

i) Web Ring

For those that are new to the Internet, a webring is simply a series of websites connected together in a circular structure, all of which are related to the same subject or theme. 

In the 1990s and early 2000s, webrings were very common, particularly among amateur websites.

Every site had a common navigation bar to be part of a webring; it included links to the previous and next website. 

You might finally enter the site you began at by repeatedly clicking next (or previous); this is where the word webring came from. 

A "Random" button most of the time led to a random website in the webring. Another same technique is link form, this is similar to werings technique. 

The minor difference between webrings and link form is that in webrings users visit websites or blogs through a serial link but in link form, users can visit multiple websites or blogs using their links randomly.

While webrings had moderators (your website had to be authorized by the moderator), if one of the websites in the ring was damaged, inaccessible, or offline, the click-through rate would presumably decrease. 

In order to gain more traffic from similar sites, websites usually entered a webring. Webrings may have been considered a search engine optimization strategy back then. 

And it's possible that it was because search engines back then used different ranking factors.

ii) Guest Post Spam Link

Some publishers or webmasters allow you to write a guest post on their blog or website. 

The guest post writer or post publisher inserts many spam links on that blog or website.That may also be a black hat SEO. 

using this black hat SEO, your site’s domain authority increased and your site or blog may rank on top position in search engine results.

iii) buy cheap link - link exchange

There are many blogs or websites that have more traffic and their site or blog ranks on top position in search engines. 

Artificial forms of link building, such as link buying and renting, are a sub-discipline of SEO in the off-page field. 

The goal is to use financial capital to raise connected popularity. Link buying is a direct interference by link builders in acquiring backlinks. 

As a consequence, it is the polar opposite of natural link construction. If you don’t know what Backlink is and how to create it then read What is Backlink?

iv) comment spam low quality directory submission

You may have seen comments made by users on a website. If the user is a blogger or youtuber, he writes the text related to their website or content in the comments and submits the link of his website in it. 

These comments can be made on websites, YouTube, Facebook and other social media. This is called comment spam low quality directory submission.

4) Crooked Sites

Crooked sites means those websites from which users land to the main single website. It includes Doorway Pages/Gateway Pages, Rich Snippet Markup, Mirror Sites, Private blog Network.

i) Doorway Pages/Gateway Pages

We can understand the meaning of Doorway Pages from their name. It means a website or many websites are acting as a door that targets a single website. 

Those websites or web pages are called Doorway Pages. In 2014, Google introduced Doorway page algorithm to penalize doorway page websites. So how to use this technique? 

Suppose you have 10 websites between them 6 websites are ranked on top in search engine results. Insert non-ranked website links in those ranked sites. By this your all websites may rank in top 10 results of the search engine.

ii) Rich Snippet Markup

Rich Snippets is a term that refers to structured data markup that site owners or web developers can add to their existing HTML to help search engines better understand what information is on each web page. 

The main search engines, on the other hand, have gone a step further and now use this markup to display richer search results, making it easier for users to find the information they need.

in fact this not a part of Black Hat SEO, but when you optimize this technique again and again the that may be a Black Hat SEO.

iii) Multiple Mirror Sites

Another common SEO malpractice is setting up multiple mirror sites with identical content. 

This is typically done in order to build an online presence for each of the mirror sites and then divert users back towards the primary website, or to obtain back-links in bulk. 

Google treats this as duplicate content and can penalize you to your and your website website for this practice. 

For example, suppose you have multiple websites and the content of those websites are also the same or copied for all websites so that is called Multiple Mirror Sites.

iv) Private Blog Network (PBN)

A private blog network (PBN) is a set of authoritative websites used to generate backlinks for a single website. 

It's a set of unrelated websites that all connect to the same central domain in order to transfer link equity and boost its rankings.

So the above mentioned SEO techniques are generally considered as a Black Hat SEO. be careful while using Black Hat SEO techniques, because over optimization of black hat SEO may penalize your website. 

You can mix up White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO techniques to rank your website. We can say that may be a Grey Hat SEO.

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